ELIAS 2069 is an institute, a school, an art and research residency space, a stage, a home, a durational art project, but foremost it is a hub for creation of blueprints for the coming world. It supports what is potential in the present on its way towards manifestation.
We desire to cultivate visionary consciousness, multi-dimensional relationality and our reconnection with nature. Realignment and reimagining our part in the Earth’s unfolding is important to us. We desire to build a place that is a generator of change, an initiator of transformation, a host for the alternative ways, with emphasis on ecology, circular and gift economy, and sustainable living.
Every contribution counts. We are here to host you with your ideas in development, art projects, scientific researches, healing practices, levitation workshops or whatever rests latent in you, so you can further develop your gifts and share them with others.
If u want to live, rest, dream, envision, imagine and create among bears, wolves, deer, birds of pray, countless salamanders and thousands of fireflies, surrounded by the ocean of green, next to a running stream, in the heart of mystery, let us know.

Situated in a pristine nature resort deep in the wilderness of Southern Slovenia cca 40 min / 30 km south from Ljubljana, the facility used to be an old village school built a hundred years ago. Now largely renovated it has two large apartments, two art studios, a wood workshop and a sauna. Next to it are a playground for kids, a permaculture garden, an outdoor resort in the making, a forest being turned into an imaginary labyrinth, an outdoor stage and so much more.
The place is located on the intersection of E6 – European long-distance path spanning between Finland and Turkey, and E7 path – connecting the Atlantic with the Black Sea. What used
to be a school and a place where locals would gather, is now a host to incoming guests from all around the globe that share their interest in dreaming and reconnecting to nature, a host to a growing community of those who desire to bring forth practices, researches and projects based on our care for and re-alignment with the other.

We offer
– Tailor-made art and research residencies
– Classes, courses and workshops in Saphire® dreaming techniques
– Creative camps in nature for children and youth
– Rentals of indoor and outdoor spaces for workshops and public events
– Long-term living with us through Workaway or WWOOF Independents
A 20 min walk along the stream running next to the house brings you to Iška, pristine river, known for its astonishingly beautiful surroundings that you can walk and explore alone or with a guide.
5 min drive heading South and you come to Bloke plateau. There are numerous marked walking routes in the area that you can explore on foot or on horseback. Bloško lake is also where you can have a summer swim or go ice-skating in the winter. Above the plateau rises Snežnik, the most southern mountain top before descending to the Mediterranean region, with Snežnik castle where the international music festival Floating Castle runs every August.
Approximately 30 min by car is Cerkniško lake, famous for its appearing and disappearing through the seasons. Above rises Slivnica, a mountain famous as a place where witches used to meet. Mysterious Križne caves are simply a must see. These are one of the most beautiful caves of the many that you can visit in Slovenia. Other caves not so far are very known Postojnska jama with a Predjamski castle or Škocjanske caves.

In 2006 the manifesto CODEXXI announced the coming into being of ELIAS 2069. It is now 2023 and everything that was written and more has come true. On September 25 2023 ELIAS 2069 formally opened its doors.
With Asa Hrovitz (US/NL); Nicola Baratto (IT/FR); Jakob Oliba (DE); Alexa Alexa Solveig Mardon & Erika Mitsuhashi (CA); Suzan Boogaerdt & Bianca van der Schoot (NL); Meryem Bayram (TR/BE); Bambi van Balen (NL); Felizitas Stileke (DE); Agnes Schneidewind (AT); Lucija Barisic (HR); Petra Veber (SI); Marko Jakše & Matija Zvezdan Puntar Kline (SI); Gasper Puntar (SI); Wild Youth (SI); Kristijan Krajnčan (SI); Tadeja Laniakea Zupan (SI); Matija Mazi (SI); Janez Janša (SI); Mala Kline (SI), Ajda Kline (SI); Bo Sedma (SI); Tjasa Korelc (SI); Lina Pavlin (SI)

A choreographer, writer and senior teacher of Saphire® work with dreams and imagination at the School of Images. Her extensive artistic and theoretical oeuvre is based on the Saphire® dreaming techniques. She uses Saphire® in coaching and mentoring artists, researchers, entrepreneurs and other creatives to facilitate personal transformation and visionary creativity always in response to the particular needs of individuals or groups in specific situation and context. She has received all major awards for her work, including Golden Bird, Triton Awards, the Ksenija Hribar Award for choreography and the Ksenija Hribar Award for theory. She holds a PhD in philosophy and an MA in theatre. She is the author of Capfico: Writings from the Belly of the Whale and Theatres of Potentiality: between ethics and politics. She is the founder and director of ELIAS institute, where she resides with her partner Gašper and their son Matija Zvezdan.

Studied restoration and trained and worked with carpenters and furniture designers. Long years of apprenticeship with his father taught him all, from recycling old furniture, creating new one, building spaces, interior painting, the use of all natural building and painting materials and more. Gašper is a devoted lover and caretaker of nature and natural habitats. The close connection with nature has always been the most important to him. The trees with their natural properties reveal to him how to shape them into unique handmade pieces enjoyed by customers around the country. He is the master builder at ELIAS building interior and exterior spaces, currently focusing on the development of the outdoor spa in the forest section of the facility.